For the first time in the history of Indian TV Channels, a transgender is to host a talk-show titled Ipadikku Rose, to be aired through the Star Vijay TV channel. The channel would start to air the late night talk-show from the middle of December on weekly basis.

The host of the show, Rose who is born as a boy was gradually reached the stage of transgender when he was studying at school, is now a qualified in Electronic Engineering from Chennai Sathya Bama University and did her post graduation studies from a Texas University in the USA and returned to India to uplift and wipe out the wrong opinions prevailing about various transgenders in India.

Participating at the Launch of the talk-show Ipadikku Rose, the transgender who attired in a beautiful make up with sarees, said, that there were a lot of bad image prevailing in the society about transgenders and this could be wiped out through the talk show, she hoped. She also recalled that in foreign countries transgenders were given equal opportunities in all the spheres of life and she expected that her presence in the programme would send signals to others.

She said, she would answer to the important issues that were faced by her counterparts. She said she would also discuss about the various problems faced by other sex in the society on account of drug addiction,homosexuality, child abuse, phobias of various nature and HIVs.

While detailing about the talk-show, the channel's programme designer and executive Pradeep said that the channel had arranged the show as the late night show. The participants who raise questions to Rose were younger generations who were victims of various habits. He also said, that the younger generations would be selected from colleges and schools who were willing to talk with Rose in the programme. He also detailed that the programme would be a replica of the channel's earlier programme like Pudhira Punidhama in which Dr.Mathrubootham and Dr. Sharmila participated and answered to all the sexual problems of the public. Initially, the channels had proposed to telecast 26 episodes and based on its market, the programme could be extended, Pradeep said.

While clarifying a question from a reporter, Rose said the feminity was a in-born quality in her which she felt from her childhood days though she appeared like a boy. Rose said, her heart was like the one of a girl.

When asked about her how she would by conveying the message through the programme, that she would talk to the public in such a way to understand the meaning of it like sugar coated pills.

When a reporter wanted to know her earlier name as a boy, she said that was a past history of hers and refused to divulge her name.


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