Actor Madhavan has appealed to all the Tamil film heroines to come forward and talk with their own voices while the dubbing work was carried out. He said, with his association as a hero of many films he noticed that many of his heroines did not know the Tamil language and instead some dubbing artistes had lent their voices. One could not distinguish the voice of the different heroines, when someone closed their eyes in cine theaters. Hence, he appealed to all the actresses to exhibit their individuality in voice, they should come forward with their own voice in dubbing. Madhavan made this appeal when the Pirivom Sandhipom film's audio cassette was released in a function very recently.

President of the Film Producer Council Rama Narayanan during his speech has said, that the film's songs reminded him of his marriage days. " I believe that this film is a good family subject" said the President.

Abirami Ramanathan said, that after seeing the marriage in the song's sequences, he wanted to marry again. The songs of the film with the marriage system being practised in Chettinadu, had given him the thought and he praised the film's hero Cheran and the heroine Sneha had done their role well casually in the film.

Speaking at the function Vijay said, that he had four days experience to act under the supervision of the director Cheran. He recalled when he was acting for Pudhiya Geethai under the direction of Jagan, Cheran was asked to supervise the direction. Cheran did the direction for four days and Vijay said that those four days were unforgettable one. Vijay also openly came out with his desire, that he wanted to act at least in one film under Cheran. While talking about Sneha, Vijay said he smile alone was enough for the success of any film.

Director K.S.Ravi Kumar who is also the teacher of the film's hero Cheran said, that Cheran had come up in life after a great struggle and with his sincere work. He said Cheran started his career as an Assistant Director and rose to Associate Director. Finally, he became a successful director. Ravi Kumar said, that he narrated the story of Cheran to one of his collegues who told him that Cheran was running the show under pure luck. " I narrated him the Cheran's path of success to dub my colleague" said Ravi Kumar.

During his speech, Parthiban said he liked the film's title. Pirivom Sandhipom was a title to denote if any one separated today they would be meeting again. This he illustrated with the nature, that if the Sun rises in the morning, then the darkness begins to pour in the next day. The next day the Sun and the darkness meet at a particular point. Hence, Parthiban said he never worried or felt sad when the separation takes place, because the very same separation would make united again in the near future. When talking about Vijay, Parthiban said that he was a fanatic of Vijay films. He lauded that Vijay's response to the Union Minister for Health Anbumani when requested that his films should not have the scenes of hero smoking, Vijay readily came forward and accepted for the minister's request. It showed Parthiban Vijay's sincerity towards his fans. He said, if the hero started smoking, then his fans would follow the suit. Keeping this idea in mind, Vijay eschewed showing the scenes with smoking. Parthiban also said, that there might be sometime, a character wanted to portray as bad in films required smoking scenes. Because, it was a cinema, in that case the smoking scene is mandatory on the part of the producer to show the realism of the story. He also cited that the late MGR who had no habits in his real life was shown as a drunkard in Oli Vilakku. When talking about Sneha, Parthiban said, her smile alone was enough. Many countries would leave their arms and ammunitions in exchange for Sneha's smile. Parthiban also underlined, that he was cajoling the actress in the relationship of a lyricist praising the Moon. He asked what is the connection between a lyricist and the moon? He said moon's beauty could be talked by anyone, similarly, Sneha too as heroine of films could be talked by anyone. Parthiban also lauded if there is going to be a beauty competion for the first top-ten, then Sneha would be the number one in the top-ten.

Director and actor Cheran gave away a vote of thanks.


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