Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi today said district Collectors and Police officials were directed to take action against those trying to stop screening of the Sun Pictures’ Kadhalil Vizhunden in Madurai and its surrounding areas.
Reacting to Marans charge, Karunanidhi, replying to a set of questions, denied that neither theatre owners nor the distributors of Ramanathapuram and Madurai were threatened.
"If Sun Pictures has any proof or evidence to show that the theatre owners were threatened, it should hand it over to authorities concerned for taking swift action" he said.
"Instead of just faxing a complaint to Home Secretary and saying that no action had been taken, Sun Pictures should file a direct complaint with Police and the Collector and submit the necessary evidence to substantiate their charge",he said.
Alleging that Sun Pictures was trying to gain political mileage and to win the sympathy from the film world, he said "their charge that the government was not taking any action against the complaint is aimed at not solving the issue".
He said no complaint was received from theatre owners and film distributors in Madurai that they were threatened. They also didn't seek police protection.” Even if a complaint is lodged now,government will not remain a mute spectator','he said Sun Pictures had criticized the clarification issued by the government. The government stopped with just issuing a statement saying nobody had the right to stop the release of a movie, it said in a release yesterday.
On Sun Pictures contention that the government had not given a firm commitment to theatre owners on providing security to screen the film, Karunanidhi said the government had clarified yesterday that any film which was certified and cleared by the Censor Board has the right to be released. "This itself conveys the message that government officials would extend all their support in screening the film" he said.
The Chief Minister also hit out at some political parties who raised their voice in support of Sun Pictures after maintaining silence when Sun TV "failed" to cooperate with the government in sharing its feed to Arasu Cable TV Corporation which is launched by the State Government.
"As per the rules all the satellite TV Channels should extend support to the Arasu Cable TV Corporation.But the government's appeal in this regard was ignored by some private satellite TV Channels" he said.
Following reports of stalling of the movie's release in Madurai allegedly by DMK activists yesterday, the government had said nobody had the right to stop a movie's release, after it had satisfied required legal mandates such as obtaining (Censor Board) certification.
Some media reports had said that the movie was not released in Madurai, a stronghold of Chief Minister M Karunanidhi's son M K Azhagiri, due to alleged threats from DMK men who warned the theatres against screening the movie.


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