Raj Television Network's maiden production venture "Kadhalna Summa Illai" will hit the screens for Pongal. At a time when, movies from Malayalam remakes have become a norm in Kollywood, director Illankannan has opted to redo a blockbuster Telugu movie "Gamyam".

The movie features Ravikrishna, Kamalinee Mukherjee and newcomer Sharvanand in the lead roles. Speaking about the movie, Illankannan said, 'Kadhalna Summa Illai is a feel-good film that revolves around these three personalities. Ravikrishna and Sharvanand have played their part well. Kamalinee is a rare talent who combines good looks and performance. Sharvanand enacted the same role in the original too.'

Raj TV, a prominent Tamil satellite Channel, is foraying to film production with this movie. Thanking the production house, Illankannan says, 'they had given me enough liberty. The movie has enough thrills and spills in it. It is about two youths, who have different outlooks on life and are opposite to each other. They meet and begin a journey together. What happens next between them forms the crux'.

The major highlight of the movie is a 'thiruvizha' song shot in an extravagant manner. The song featuring Ravikrishna and Tejashree was shot at Prasad Studios where a huge set was erected by GK.

According to Ravikrishna, this would be a trend-setting film. Illankannan is a youthful director. I am happy and thrilled to have been involved in the project.

Due credit should be given to every member of the crew. All of them have worked hard, Ravikrishna says and adds, 'it is a different film from my earlier ones. I play an easy-go-lucky youth, who is never serious about anything in his life'.

On his part, Sharvanand, says, 'I feel privileged to have made my debut in Tamil with such a good script. The script is a proven-winner in Telugu. But, Illankannan deserves all credit for making necessary changes in the script to suit the Tamil audience'.

Vincent, a former associate of P.C Sreeram, has cranked the camera. Nasser, Ilavarasu and Crazy Mohan are also in the cast. Vidyasagar, Anil and Manisharma have scored music for the film.


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